Boxing is known as the sweet science of sports. At the Budokan Boxing Club we emphasize the formal techniques that allow participants to master the fundamentals of striking with power, moving with grace, maintaining physical and mental balance and most-of-all, ensuring proper form to enhance technique and performance.
We have a lot of fun, too!
If you are interested in competing or simply having a great workout, the Budokan Boxing Club is for you. Our coach, Doug Horton Jr. Is an active participant in the Ontario boxing community and can lead participants from amateur to professional status. Doug has decades of experience and is well respected as an expert boxing coach.
In addition to managing the boxing club at the SWM Glencoe Budokan, Doug owns and operates a Boxing Ring Rental business. He has provided the best boxing rings in Ontario to both amateur and professional boxing cards. He has also frequently rented the ring out to movie and television crews when they are looking to produce scenes that include boxing. For more information on Budokan Boxing Club Rentals, contact Doug directly at: (519) 854-3044.